What is hot stamping and what is it for?|Southern Journal

2022-07-30 07:14:36 By : Ms. FCAR DIAGNOSIS

What is hot stamping?Hot stamping is a printing technique in which a pigment, generally of high resolution, is transmitted to the surface of an object through a procedure based on high temperature.The image, previously prepared, is engraved on a wedge (generally made of materials such as tin, bronze, magnesium, aluminum or silicone), and this wedge is placed on a film called foil, which in turn is placed on the surface to be printed. wants to record.The temperature reached by the process for the recording to take place must be between 100 and 300 degrees Celsius.This temperature will be the one that activates the adhesive contained in the foil and, together with the pressure, will transfer that image to the new surface.The most used colors in this process are metallic ones (fundamentally gold and silver), because the contrast is more effective, but in high resolution procedures other colors can be used and even play with transparencies.This makes the hot stamping process extremely versatile.History of this procedure The origin of thermal printing dates back to the 19th century, when it quickly became the preferred technique for illustrating children's books or inserting engravings into any type of work.The first patent on the complete thermal printing stamping procedure dates back to 1892, and came from the German Ernst Oeser.For a long time, thermal printing was limited to this type of literary applications, being used only on surfaces such as paper or leather.It was from the fifties of the 20th century when printing began to spread on all types of surfaces, imposing itself as the most widespread way of making advertising or decorative prints.Also, by the way, the safest, since thermoprinting uses only dry paints, so it is not toxic for those who work with it or harmful to the environment.Necessary equipment for hot stamping One of the great advantages of thermal printing is the enormous variety of machines and equipment to do it.Very different from each other, moreover, not only in aspects of quality, but also in size and price.In this way it is possible to affirm that there is a suitable machine for almost any use that we want to give it in the field of thermal printing, being able to choose one or the other depending on the orientation and size of the project to be printed.If you only want to generate a limited number of products, you can opt for a small manual machine;while if you are looking for a larger production there are high-speed industrial machines, which can generate an enormous number of stamps per hour, such as those used by professional printers such as ProPrintweb.These machines have the entire process automated, obtaining enormous performance between printing time and final product quality.What is it for?By means of thermal printing, a high-quality print is achieved in a very simple way.First of all, ink printing will have to be done (which can be done both in offset and screen printing) and then the actual stamping will be done.Currently it is possible, through the offset system, to make a design directly on the computer using any graphic design tool and then transfer it directly to printing using hot stamping.These originals, yes, will be monochrome and vector.Despite this, using a high resolution bitmap mode in your chosen program will result in a really sharp image.Or, put another way, we can transfer our ideas to any surface with a high level of quality in the finish and through a simple and relatively cheap process.This is why thermal printing is used so much.What products are stamped with thermal printing and what can we use this technique for?The applications of thermal printing are very varied, and can really be summed up in one sentence: you can print whatever you want on whatever surface you want.To cite some of the most common, hot stamping is used in stamping boxes, invitations, flyers, book illustrations, stamping in magazines or catalogs and other types of publications, cards, drawings on tickets for events or packaging for cosmetics.Its perfection (a high visual contrast and a really attractive matte appearance are achieved) has meant that thermal printing has even been used in artistic interventions.In short, hot stamping has been used for its elaboration and decoration in practically any element of our daily life.The Pan American Weightlifting Championship began in the senior category for Colombia.The Pan American Weightlifting Championship began in the senior category for Colombia.The Pan American Weightlifting Championship began in the senior category for Colombia.Transversal 18Q BIS A #61B - 60 South Telephone: (+57) 313-828-4719- 6134000- cel.3138282538- Bogotá – Colombia.Email: manager@cacdecolombia.co© 2021 All rights reserved Diario Del Sur / CONSULTORIAS Y ASESORIAS DE LOS COLOMBIANOS SAS Total or partial reproduction is prohibited, as well as its translation into any language without the written authorization of its owner.